Friday, December 31, 2010
Excuse # 5,892
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Life sometimes not so fun
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
A break from coupons for what is really important
Sunday, December 12, 2010
couponing: what I use to help me
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Coupon Abbreviations.
- $1/1,$2/1, $1/2 etc.= This means the amount of discount compared to the number of products to obtain that discount. for example $1/1 is $1 off of 1 item, $2/1 is $2 off of 1 item, $1/2 is $1 off of two items. With this you have to purchase the number specified to recieve discount.
- AC= After Coupon
- AR= After Rebate (you pay out of pocket, send reciept in and get a check back to you)
- BC= Before Coupon
- Blinkie= a machine that dispenses coupons in the store, usually in front of the product. There is usually a red light on the side that blinks.
- BOGO, B1G1, B1G1F= Buy one get one free
- B2G1= Buy 2 get 1 free
- BFTE= Box tops for education, These get sent in and the school you designate gets a so much money per "top"
- B&M= Bricks and Mortar, refers to a store building as opposed to an online store
- CAT or Catalina= coupons that print out of register after your purchase, usually based on what you purchased. (whatch expiration dates)
- CPN or Q= coupon
- CRT= cash register tape, your receipt
- DCRT= dated cash register tape
- DND= do not double
- ECB= extra care bucks from CVS, this is money that can be used on your next purchase that prints after you purchase that day. They do have expiration dates.
- ES= easy saver, Walgreens montly coupon/rebate book, located in store.
- ETA= edited to Ad
- ETS= Excludes travel sizes
- EX or X= expires on
- FAR= free after rebate, (pay out of pocket and then get reimbursed )
- Filler= items you buy in order to meet required amount to use coupons or get a deal
- FS = free shipping
- FLIP= food lion internet printables
- GC =Gift cards
- GDA= good deal alert
- GM= general mills
- Hangtag= coupon that is hanging from a tag around a bottle or jar
- HTH= hope that helps
- IP or IPQ= internet printable
- IVC= Instant value coupons, walgreens monthly or weekly coupons
- JEDI= The cashier that you want, knows what is going on
- MFG or MFR= Manufacterer
- MIR = mail in rebate (pay out of pocket and get reimbursed)
- MC or MQ= Manufacturer coupon
- MM = money maker, making money after coupons
- NED= no expiration date
- NWPN= no wine purchase necessary ( Publix coupon)
- ONYO= on your next order
- OOP= out of pocket
- OVERAGE= money you earn when coupon exceeds price of item ( store specific to whether they allow overages)
- PEELIE= coupon that is stuck to a product like a sticker. intended to be used then
- P&G= procter and gamble
- PSA= price starts at
- POP= proof of purchase (upc code)
- Q or CPN= coupon
- REGIONAL= deal in only specific area
- RC= Rain check, out of sale item, store allows you to get item when restocked at sale price
- RP= red plum insert in paper
- RR= Register rewards, walgreens money coupon after a purchase to be used towards next purchase, has CLOSE expiration date.
- SCR= single check rebate, rite aid
- SP = stock pile
- SS= smart source insert in paper
- STACKING= using more than 1 coupon example, 1 manufacter coupon, 1 store coupon, 1 competitor coupon on 1 item.
- TEARPAD= pad of coupons placed in the store usually in front of the item.
- TMF= try me free, (usually pay first and then get rebate, can be stacked with coupons for even more savings)
- TRIPLE= tripling a coupon in value
- UPC= universal product code, bar code
- UPR= up rewards, a catalina coupon to use at rite aid
- WAGS= walgreens
- WSL= while supplies last
- WT= wine tag (publix wine club)
- WYB= when you buy
- V= valassis coupon insert found in sunday paper ( same as red plum, smart source, etc)
- X= expiration date
- YMMV= your mileage may vary, may not be worth the deal based on mileage you have to travel.
Coupons 101

- manufacturer coupon- typically by a brand for a specific product, coupon will say manufacturer coupon
- retailer or store coupon- a coupon offered by a store for specific item or amount off a product(s)
- peelie coupons- a coupon that is stuck to a product like a sticker to try to get you to buy item right then
- printable coupons- coupons that are online that you can print out and redeem at a store for a specific item, typically a manufacturer coupon. (I will post websites I use for these at the end)
- catalina coupons- coupons that print from the register after your purchase, usually based on your purchase.
- electronic coupons- coupons that can be loaded onto your loyalty card (i.e. Kroger card, cvs card etc.) from the Internet.
- loyalty cards (Kroger plus card, cvs card)- discounts that are typically automatically deducted from the price of an item if you buy the allotted amount.
- mailers- coupons sent you via snail mail for a specific product.
- online coupons/promotional code- usually a code (series of letters and/or numbers) that you would enter upon checkout of an online purchase.

- Whether the coupon is a manufacturers coupon or a store coupon, you can see that this one is a manufacturers coupon. (You will want to know this based on your stores coupon policy, I know I can stack a store AND manufacturers coupon for even more savings.)
- When the coupon expires, I look for this so that I know how much time I have to find a good deal. (From what I have seen so far, most coupons will be good for about a month)
- What the coupon actually is for, and how many items I have to purchase to obtain the discount. This coupon is for $1.00 off of 1 (or $1/1) bag of dog treats.
- I also look for a minimum size on the purchase, I am learning, that I can get somethings for free, because of the no size exclusions. (I get trial sizes of deodorant/laundry detergent for free because most do not excluded trial/travel sizes)
- In the middle there are usually guidelines on how to use the coupon, whether you can pair (stack) it with another coupon or not. It will also say how many coupons can be used per transaction (total purchase) or purchase (one item).

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Couponing first post in the series
I need to come up with a good name for this series, any ideas?
As I promised WEEKS ago, I am now starting my series of posts on couponing. I have been doing a TON of research and compiling of information to make sure that I relay all the correct information. This being said I am still learning myself! I am finding and learning new things every time I turn around! I have several websites/blogs that I refer to daily! (All of which I will be including in these posts. Just not exactly how each post will pan out exactly, I'm winging it). Please make sure that you check with all the stores around your area for their policies. You should be able to find these on their websites or by just going to the service desk and talking to a manager.
There are several things you should know about couponing to be successful.
You WILL feel overwhelmed at first, it is okay, I still do today and I have had great success in just over a month.
You will have to put sometime and effort into collecting coupons/finding the deals each week. I spend about an hour every day or so.
Do NOT try to get every deal.... ever (no matter how good you get at this), this will make it impossible for you to be successful! (and then I would be worried about hoarding and wasting money on things you won't use)
If you are doing this correctly you should be that crazy person at the register with ATLEAST 30 coupons.
Be proud of yourself, not embarrassed and ashamed. I have found the last two times, people are more curious about how I save so much than having to wait in line while the cashier is scanning all my coupons. Be polite, patient, and open with your experiences and savings and you will find that people are more entertained than bothered.
Do NOT try to start with both the grocery store and drugstores at the same time. Pick your most used grocery and start there, I would recommend using just that for about 6 weeks, so that you have it down pat, before throwing in 1 drugstore.
Most importantly be prepared to make mistakes! Understand that this is not an easy task and you have to figure out what works best for you.
Most importantly HAVE FUN!!!!!!!
I'm hoping that friday I will be able to make a coherent (I'm having foot surgery thursday) post about either why you should coupon and/or how coupons work. Please let me know if there is something specific you want to know, so that I can research and find the best place to put it in this series!
Happy couponing (and learning)!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Today I feel like
Sunday, November 28, 2010
I found an awesome deal!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
I'm too tired to write!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
has to be one of my favorite
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
The craziness it has returned.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Today is a day of thanks!
Monday, October 25, 2010
I'm getting better
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Things I can not do with kids.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
things i love
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Family time
Saturday, October 16, 2010
What to post
Thursday, October 14, 2010
I'm just not sure.
Monday, October 11, 2010
We are now officially Nashvillians!

Sorry it has been a while, but the good news is that we are now officially moved into the new house, in NASHVILLE! I can't tell you how happy I am to be most importantly to have my family back together, but also to actually live in a city (oh how I have missed that, I am afterall a city girl)
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
The last two days
So we are working with all the different aspects of our busy hectic lives. And as usual something always has to go wrong with something. Nothing with the house is bad, last night Abby and Tyler were "walking" through her room when they ran in to each other. Mind you Tyler is literaly half as tall as she is, but somehow when they collided it broke her tooth. Like not just chipped the top, but the enamel came completely off the front of her tooth. Now she is not in pain and she has done a pretty good job of not touching it so she is going great. We will go to the dentist tomorrow morning and probably get the tooth capped to cover the nerves. No big deal, it is a baby tooth, so it will cause no major damage.
Then Toby got all the tile laid in the bathroom and is coming tomorrow to grout the floor and finish the craziness, that is our second UNUSED bathroom. So maybe before we move I will actually be able to take a shower in there for the first time since we moved here in April of 2007. The good news is that it will be done and behind us.
Tyler is growling at me, I guess that is my cue to yet again cut this to an end and go play with BABIES! And no offense that is sometimes so much more fun!
Monday, September 27, 2010
I actually have time to breathe?
I have to start off by saying a HUGE Thanks to by brother-in-law Toby! He has graciously given up a portion of his extremely busy schedule to come help us finish some upgrades we started on our house. Now my dad and Brad started tiling the 2ND bathroom right after Tyler was born, I'm talking the week after Tyler was born, which has now been 17 months. Brad has been so busy with his old job that he has just not had the time to complete it. So Toby has offered to come finish it for us, and I truly can not tell him how much I appreciate his time, work and effort.
Now Toby has a heart of gold and is a true gentleman! Respectful, loving, and funny to boot. Although I have never seen it, I can tell he is sensitive when the time is right. He takes care of his mother like I have ever seen any young man do. He is family oriented and just a joy to be around.
Tammie, is an angel that I am never going to be able to replace, she has at the drop of a dime turned her life upside down to help me with the kids. She has them today, so that I can clean make sure my house is in order before the move. Last week she gave up a day of work to come watch them so that I could go to the doctor to have a routine check up, no second guessing, just instantaneously. I know that I am going to be only 2 hours away from her, but she is going to be missed tremendously.
After getting midway through my cleaning today, our realtor called saying that someone was going to look at the house today. Let me remind you that we only last night put the house on the market. She is pretty excited about it, saying that he had to find one this week, but I'm trying not to get our hopes up. I'm trying to be realistic and know that it could take months for the house to sell. I can't tell you how happy it would make me if it sells earlier though. I will be more than happy to not have two house payments to pay.
After the realtor put her sign in the yard, the neighbor came over asking about it, and said that she and her sister where looking to buy as well. At this same time we had some lady also nearly cause several wrecks as she was trying to get the information from the sign. So we may be lucky enough to have interest early, but from what I understand, most of the interest will come early and then die down and have no interest for a while. So we will just have to wait and see what we have in store. I'm leaving everything up to God, and knowing that what is best for us will happen when it needs to happen.
But for today my breathing time is over. I must be on my way to go meet my munchkins! I have enjoyed the quiet today, but it is very very weird! I miss the LITTLE noise.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
And now it begins!
We have found a house to rent in the nashville area! It is going to be perfect for us, lots of space, and an unfinished basement for the kids to play in, a huge front yard with covered patio in the back, very close to brads office, 10 minutes to downtown, and 10 minutes to brentwood. Also in the exact area we were trying to get one. (I will post pictures when I can get them on the computer that Brad has temporarily stolen to do homework.) The actual house itself is just bigger than the house we have, maybe a 100sqf.
We also have finally gotten our house on the market. Today a very sweet and honest realtor/broker (not exactly sure what that all means but) came to the house to look and give her opinion. She was very patient, asked all sorts of questions, explained EVERYTHING, spent probably two hours with us going through everything. Needless to say I think she is going to work her butt off to try to get this house sold. We are very lucky in the fact that we have quite a bit of positives in the house. Although old, we have just over 2 acres of land, are close to all the new stores, just outside of the city limit, in a safe and established neighborhood, and a single level home with an open floor plan just to name a few. We are very hopeful that this house will sell quickly, but then again completely realistic that it may take months to sell.
We were not planning on moving so soon, as we had figured it would take us several weeks to find a house that we could afford and would be in a good safe neighborhood. But I truly think that God has us under his wing and is taking care of us. I don't think I have ever felt so content with where we are in our lives. It finally seems that we are where we need to be. It feels like everything is falling into place as it has always been planned this way. We know that we are going to have tough times, but we will be okay. Everything is going to work out how it is supposed to work out.
I'm so very sorry! I'm going to have to go, I am getting side tracked, I want a fresh warm biscuit and a yummy fresh warm doughnut. That is all I can think of! Thank you food network!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The sweet things that kids say
Most of the time she is too rough for me, and not to mention TOO loud, but I still love her, and when I can get her to sit still long enough to snuggle I try to take every opportunity to do so. That is unless Brad is here, she is very much of a daddy's girl.
The whole point of this post is how much she is learning and her cute little brain and the way it works. Abby started a new school this fall that we are all absolutely in love with! I am actually very upset that she will not be able to continue here esp. since they are trying to get the certifications to be a homeschooling umbrella school.
She is so interested in the teachings that she is learning from the bible. They have weekly bible verses that they have to memorize and she spouts them all off randomly. But that is not the coolest part.
She was learning about the story of Noah's Ark and she just loves it!
She will explain to you that God choose two of each animal to go on the ark. She understands that these were the only creatures to survive the great flood. But then there are those silly unicorns, and she has it all figured out! When she came home to tell me the story, she asked me what I thought about why there are no more unicorns, before telling me the story. Of course, I was not exactly sure how to answer this, and I just told her that they were imaginary animals. The response I got has made me chuckle every time I think about it.
Her response, was that Noah tried to get them on the ark, but they were not doing what they were supposed to be doing and goofing off so the missed it. Of course this is pretty good thinking for a 4 yr old, and I asked her where she got that and she said that Mrs. Missy at school had told her that she was not sure, so Abby came up with how they didn't make it on the ark. (I'm assuming they were learning the letter U this week, as they started off with all the "bowels") Since this conversation, when she is not listening and misses something, this is what we talk about, how the unicorns were not doing what they were supposed to be doing.
Then Abby has really been concerned (for lack of a better word) about how babies grow in the mommies tummy and how they are born. She understands that she and her brother were both cut out of my belly and that that is not the normal way babies are born. They are either "pushed out or breathed out" which again makes me laugh.
The very first week of school they talked about how God made all things in 6 days and rested on the 7th "and when he saw what he made, he said and it is good." They talked about this process for a week or so and so it all made since to her. Now granted, the bible never specifies how long a day was, (which always threw me for a loop as well as a kid) and she has very little awarness of concept of time. She understands that there are so many days in a week and the new day starts when you get up in the morning, but other than that little bit, it is all irrelavent to her.
While at her nanny's this past weekend, she and nanny were talking about babies and why it takes them so long till they are born. Nanny tried to explain to her that God wants to spend all that time on them because he wants them to be perfect, and it takes a while for them to grow to that. Abby just doesn't understand this, because "but God made the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th and it was perfect, so why can't he make a baby in 6 days?"
I know every person says that kids say the cutest things, but sometimes, I truely wish I could record things whenever I needed, like carring around a tape recorder in my back pocket.
This is just one of the wonderful reasons I truly enjoy being a mommy!
I love my ABBY!!!!!