Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A break from coupons for what is really important

When Brad and I moved to Nashville in mid October we were expecting to have to go to several different churches before we found one that we would be able to settle with. We figured that it would take us several months to find somewhere we wanted to call our church home. Boy was I wrong! I mean I was TERRIBLY wrong! 1 visit and we were comfortable!

We started going to this church after we took the kids trunk or treating there, after all we had just moved and it was literally just down the street. We ended up missing the majority of the "treating" but that was okay, the members that remained immediately came to us and invited us to join them, much like any church would do, but this is not what has amazed me about them.

As most people know I grew up in the Episcopal Church, my dad is a priest so we were always very active in the church for obvious reasons. I enjoyed several things about this church, especially as a child, but then as I have gotten older, and been able to see the "behind the scenes" way the church is SOMETIMES run, and honestly how snooty it CAN be, I have decided that although the service itself is comfortable, this is not necessarily the way I want to raise my kids. I appreciate more than I can explain the people that I have met and continue to stay in contact with, everyone of them has had an undeniable influence on the person I was and still am. I have met so many amazing people, but most of that was because of the position my dad was in and not for who I was, I can not tell you how many times I was introduced to people as " this is Bryant Kiblers daughter", not really allowed to be my own person, or discover who I really was. Once I had been around people for a while I could sort of let go, but unfortunately when you are a priests family member your whole life is a public spectacle. Never once can I remember someone coming to the aid of my family, whether someone was sick, or when my mom had surgery when we were preteens, or when we (I) just needed someone to be there.

Now I am 29 years old, I have tried the Baptist church and felt like I was going to hell after each service I attended. Some of them not as bad as others, but I always felt guilty for having a glass of wine here, or not tithing 10% of gross income when I could not even pay all of our bills. I'm sorry but I know where a lot of this money goes to, I can't give if I can't even provide for my family, and I'm sure that God would not condemn me for that. So I stuck with what I was comfortable with, the key word was stuck. I knew the church, how the "seasons" worked, I knew what it stood for, and felt comfortable with that, this left me to only have to worry about the people part.

So when we got here my anxiety about finding somewhere that I felt comfortable with just so that the kids could grow up in a church and get the information Brad and I could not remember was important. But just somewhere as a filler was important, I was not expecting to find what I have always wanted, especially so fast and in such a big city. We started attending the Crievewood United Methodist Church down the street from our house, and just like the trunk or treating, people sought us out! I sort of expected a small amount of this, but I NEVER expected to have the amount of warmth, welcoming, and hospitality that was shown to us, it was like we were the only new family in a church of 10, where there is no way not to know you were new.

We immediately began attending Sunday school, and that is where my heart just melts. Within that very first meeting I had the contact information for all the moms in the class to contact with any questions I had, and an open invitation for play dates. I was so excited to know that there were kids in the neighborhood that were the same age as my munchkins, but that would also grow up with my kids in school and church! I was comforted to know that several of these families had grown up in this church and neighborhood and loved it so much that they either never left or returned after being away for a short time.

As we all know I had surgery at the beginning of the month, this was shared with my Sunday school class as I had asked for prayers for patience and a speedy recovery. We have been to this church MAYBE 2 months, we are not members, have not mentioned that we would like to become members, but I am eternally greatful! These families, that barely know us, have taken time out of their busy days, and schedules to help us! The class has setup a meal chart for us, so that we have a hot healthy meal every other day or so. Although 1 meal does not seem like a lot, let me tell you how much stress it takes off of myself and Brad, since I can't place ANY weight on my right foot for the next 3-5 weeks. Brad is having to do pretty much everything, kids, cleaning, cooking, shopping, etc so that meal we just have to heat and serve is a TREMENDOUS help to us. Every time I think about the generosity of these kind hearts, I literally get a lump in my throat and hold back the tears.

This is the way I want my kids to be raised, to know that we help ANYONE that we can, no matter how menial the task may seem. I want them to understand, that being a good Christian is not about just going to church and saying you believe, its in the way you conduct your life and the actions OUTSIDE the church your participate in. I want them to know what being a good steward is truly all about, and just after this short time in Crievewood UMC I have seen this, I know that I have found a home that I am not settling with, but completely comfortable with!

Thank you Crievewood UMC for giving me what I have always been looking for, yet never able to find! Thank you for opening your heart to my family and making us feel so very comfortable and welcome. Thank you for making us feel like we are part of the Crievewood family and that we matter! I can't thank you enough!

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