Friday, December 31, 2010

Excuse # 5,892

My blogging has been rather poor! I truly enjoy having a way that I can connect with all of you and air my opinions, concerns, gripes, and just life in general. I find it sort of theraputic, since Brad knows everything that is going on and I NEED to be able to talk to someone else (rather talk at) it works well with me. I try to be positive most of the time and be entertaining as well as realistic. I'm trying to help you all with your coupon ventures as well (but this is not and will not be the source of my blog).

The last month has been incredibily difficult for me, both emotionally and obvisouly physically. Although I have been through the whole not being able to do anything before (July- late September) this time has been so much harder on me. I am so thankful for the church we are attending, because those gracious souls took one more stress away from us! I can not say thank you enough for your help!

I have finally accepted the fact that I have been quite depressed through this and honestly just didn't want to be where I was. (I did have a lot of GREAT memories through the month, with the holidays and family visits, but they were difficult to be get to a place I was comfortable.)
I am starting to feel better about everything now knowing that on tuesday I can start the process of getting back to my normal life.

With this I didn't feel comfortable enough to really blog about anything, I didn't want to air every grievance, or just whine and pout and be negative. I want this to be a happy place and somewhere that you can come and get a quick laugh and then move on with the rest of your day. I plan on finishing my coupon posts here in the next 2 weeks or so (as long as everything continues to get better), but have not done any grocery shopping since thanksgiving, so I'm pretty much going to have to start from scratch again, so we can start again together, just remember to be patient! I'm also planning on on posting about the last month (possibly year) in the near future.

I have several goals for the new year;
1. Be more family oriented, plan fun things to do with the kids, go on more dates with my hubby, and enjoy each other.
2. start walking (and hopefully eventually running again) for nothing else but enjoyment and to feel better about myself.
3. become more frugal so that we can pay things off and provide a better life for our family. Be able to do the things we want to do,whenever we would like.
4. Blog atleast every other day.
5. become more active in our church and community!

These are all goals, not promises, things that I want to work on for me to be a better person. I know that they will take time to get in the habit of doing them, but I think they are all worth it. I am going to be realistic that I am going to fall off the band wagon, but I will just climb back on and try as hard as I can!

I hope that you all have a great year and get everything you hope for! Thanks for sticking with me through all my excuses and rants!

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