Monday, October 25, 2010

I'm getting better

Remember a couple days ago when I was talking about how people get all theis stuff with coupons and B1G1's and save just as much as the spend or more.

Today I accomplished this and I can not be more thrilled. (and I only bought things we normally eat) Today I spent $ 49.92 with tax and everything, and I saved..... drum roll please................ $45.78!!!!!!! I also have a semi packed pantry with stuff we (mostly kids) eat all the time.
On my list today was
2 boxes of Kix cereal (which my kids almost never get) $3.11
4 boxes of cheez-its $5.26
4 boxes of "premium" brownie mix $4.46
2 tubs of breyers ice cream (brads fav before bed snack) $4.99
8 640z bottles of juicy juice (we got through this like crazy $13.40
2 bottles of kens ranch dressing $3.29
2 loaves of arnold 12 grain bread $3.89
plus some other normal items for $15.07
= 53.47
-7.5 in coupons (some doubled)
=45.97 before tax!!!!!!!!

I got $38.28 in free stuff, that I would normally buy! I think I may actually be getting the hang of this. It is all about timing. If you can get the things that you use all the time, when they are on sale and stock up on them ( if they wont go bad of course) then you can save a TON of money! I can not tell you how dang excited I am about this!

29 items later, and I still have money in the bank! That newspaper subscription paid for itself in only a week.

In two weeks I have saved
$53.25 /$29.89 was coupons. this is first trip spent $200 not good:( Beginners frustration
$17.20/$9.10 was coupons. 2nd trip spent $41 getting better
$45.78/7.50 was coupons this is todays!
=116.23 thank you Publix and coupons! I will get better so that I can save more than I pay, just you watch and see!!!!!!

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