So we are bad parents (okay not really), but we started Tyler off in his crib and he stayed there until he was almost 5 months old. Then it started, he started sleeping in our bed and has been ever since, partially because I'm a mommy and I can't stand to hear him cry for no good reason, but also because until now he has been small enough that we got more sleep with him in our bed than in the crib!
So Tyler has gotten too big and every time either Brad or I move at night it would wake Tyler up so he would decide that he would need to nurse and lets just say this last month has been extremely long and tiring! Needless to say I finally decided after a great deal of aggravation that it was time to just get over my feelings and to do the better thing for all of us, and listen to his heart wrenching cries!
We put him in his bed and the first night it only took 45 minutes of screaming for him to fall asleep. I was so excited, but the poor little guy fell asleep with his left leg hanging out of the crib along with his right arm. His Right leg tucked completely under his 25 lb body and his noggin buried in the corner of the crib! Brad went in and laid him down, which in turn woke him up and the whole process started again, but this time when he fell asleep he was sitting on his calves and swaying back and forth. Every time he would sway backwards his arms would shoot up in the air like a mummy! Talk about trying not to laugh and wake him up again.
Last night was so much better than night number 1, it only took about 10 minutes of screaming before he just sat there until he fell asleep, yet again upright and swaying. We did this maybe 2 more times last night before Brad was able to just lay him down and sneak out. Then again at nap time today. I will try to get some pictures tonight, but we will see! It is just so darn cute! I just want to scoop him up and eat him up!
I guess I should expect this since when he was younger I put him in his bed and he fell asleep standing up holding on to the rail, head bouncing like one of those bobble dolls! I just wonder how long this is going to occur, or if he will one day be normal and just lay down to sleep! I guess who cares he's adorable and I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!
hahahaha I can't believe he can sleep SITTING UP! Silly Tyler :)