Monday, March 15, 2010

Full of fun!

This week is going to be full of fun.

Tyler has gone from crawling all the time, to walking ALL THE TIME! This is all great and all, but means 2 things, 1 I no longer have a baby but a toddler, this really saddens me as Brad is very against having another baby, that I so desperately want! 2 NOTHING and I do mean NOTHING is safe from my toddling man! I am going to really have to be on my A game. However the good news, is that he is completely ADORABLE! When he gets tired he just lays down on the floor to rest for a minute and then gets up and toddles across the room. He is also starting to be more entertained by himself and the surroundings, he still wants me in the same room so he can see me but doesn't have to be within arms reach. YAY!!!!! WE ARE MAKING PROGRESS, now if I could only get him out of our bed!

The next truly awesome thing, is that one of my dearest friends is on spring break this week! I can't wait to see her and spend a little time with her with or without the kiddos. She makes me happy! (not to mention she loves to bake as well, she has a cooking blog with some of her girl friends check it out

Then Brad and I may actually get to go out on a date with out kids. Well Maybe, but we are definitely going bowling on friday night, not sure about the child care situation. Brads' co-workers are all getting together outside of the office to have a fun night of mingling, bowling! This should be fun, all the guys seem like a good group of guys. (yes mostly men, as it is a military job) Tyler is as I type tearing apart my hubby's ACU's, he loves the velcro!

Then on thursday morning I am getting my hair did! I'm so excited! Livi has a new color that she thinks that I will love, but has never used, so she needs a guinea pig! Of course I'll do it, after all if I don't like it I can always dye it again! No biggie!

In other news! We have decided to homeschool! We have done lots and lots of research, praying, and thinking about it and have decided this is the best thing for us! I will not be doing this on my own, There is a great program in this area that I can send her to 2 days a week to help me with this. We have a webinar this week and are going to look at the curriculum at an open trunk show, kind of thing on the 24th. I am actually getting really excited about this whole idea! Which is strange because I never thought I would ever be able (or want) to home school!

Next best thing! The Weather is starting to turn around! I'm loving it! Rainy, but at least it is mostly warm!

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