So, my son has more facial expressions than I can tell you, here are just a few of them! I hope you enjoy these pictures!
Tyler " SHE'S GONNA DROP ME!!!!!!"
"Those mean men are trying to dress me up! MAKE IT STOP!"
(if you look close above his eyebrows you will see the devil horns on his forehead)
This is just so sweet, those FAT cheeks! I just want to squeeze and eat them up!
"HAHAHAHA you have no idea where all that skebbi went, he he he"
This is one of my favorites
"I got my eye on you!"
I had to put this one in here, my two boys! I just love em!
"I will pout at you"
Tyler has perfected the art of pouting, I mean he can turn it off and on like a light switch.
"Mommy is so comfy"
"Proper use of a pappy"
"I'm not up to anything, I'm no rascal."
HAHAHA I love the "I've got my eye on you" picture. He's such a sweet boy. Can't believe he's so BIG!