Sunday, February 7, 2010

Probably just his behind!

So we are at my father-in-laws house watching the superbowl, and my daughter has been harassing Toby my brother-in-law since the moment she walked in the door. She thinks that the only reason we come over here is for everyone to play with her. So the first thing she does is go immediately to Uncle Toby, lets go play jungle! So off to his room they go.

Toby being the great patient guy he is plays into her game like he was just put here on this earth to play with her. I know he loves it but I'm positive that it gets old and boring!

They were in Toby's room and looking at his fishing pole talking about how you can catch fish and eat fish and mounting fish.

Abby: how do you mount a fish.

Toby: well like my deer, if you get a big fish you can hang it on your wall too.

Abby: So think pepper went to heaven (Pepper is our dog that we had to put to sleep in December)

Toby: Yeah I think pepper went to heaven too.

Abby: No pepper my puppy.

Toby: Yeah I think my deer went to heaven too.

Abby: No I think just his bottom went to heaven. His front half is still on your wall!

Oh I love her!

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! I just LOVE that child of yours, Elise. Her Abbyisms could make the world go round! I'm sure she doesn't get ANY of that from her mama ;)
