Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Blogging. Blogging! My husband just told me that my job is not blogging, its cleaning and cooking and taking care of the kids. Oh my bad "you're not getting paid to blog", oh but I dont get paid anyway!

What he does not understand, is that blogging and reading blogs is my way of relaxing. Not to mention my way of connecting with the world. I mean I spend my days with an almost 10 month old and a very active 4 year old. Although my days are always very interesting they are lacking. I love my kids please don't get me wrong, I am really very lucky to be able to stay home with them and I would not change that at all. However, I am very much of a social person and I need to have some adult interactions during the day! So facebook and blogging are my outlets.

I mean it could be much worse. I could be just angry and mad all the time, I could use alcohol or smoking as my outlet. I could be shopping which I love and would get into way too much trouble. So there are way more things that I could be doing but no this is what I choose to wind down from a busy fussy day! Not so bad right?

I don"t think so easier.

1 comment:

  1. I sympathize; blogging and reading blogs is my outlet too. And I think it can be a really constructive way to purge emotion. You're a great mommy, Elise, but I can understand why you'd need social interaction throughout the day.

    Love ya, babe. Keep writing. I'm reading.
