Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Everything, and nothing
Life as usual has been crazy, and for the most part I absolutely love it! Being in Nashville has done so much for my emotional stability, which affects everything that revolves around me! Brads job is going well, kids are doing great, Tyler has had a birthday, he is now two! I can not believe that my baby is two! Abby is registered for kindergarten and very excited about it! We joined our church which was a great thing for us! We have become pretty active and feel good about where we are with our community. My premier business is going okay, I am loving it and very excited about what is going to come my way with it. I am still having trouble getting started and knew this would be the case, as I don't know many people in this area. I know that it will be a slow process, but thats okay I'm willing to keep going strong and work hard to get to where I want to be!
Tyman had a procedure done on his stomach last week and we have received the results, everything is normal. This is great news, but now we are pretty much out of things to try to figure out why he is constipated! So a blessing and disappointment at the same time.
Have you all seen the news lately? (Here is where there is no organization to this!) I'm not sure how I feel about the world right now. On one hand I am extremely proud to be an American, but on the other side, I feel like oh crap what is going to come out of this. What I am talking about it is the killing of public enemy #1, Osama Bin Laden. Although I understand everything that is being said, I keep thinking about what is going to happen now. I think the US did several things correctly, I think he was given a proper burial with the respect to his culture and religion, taken care of. I think from what it sounds like that nothing was really rushed. The government and President took everything into consideration and asked a lot of questions. Although this is a good thing for us, I'm worried about security going up for several days, weeks, and nothing happening, and then after everyone gets back to normal something horrid happening. Lets just say my anxiety level right now is very high! I know that there will be things happening all over the world, possibly in my own back yard! I know that I can not control anything, and that I should always no matter what, live life as today could be my last! I'm just scared. I keep thinking of my kids and what they are going to have to go through! What is their life going to be like?
I guess this is my fault as well, but our society is so hooked on what I call instant gratification. We can get anywhere in a matter of time. We run out of milk, no biggie, jump in the car and drive to the store, or call the hubs and have him pick it up on the way home from work. We rely on our cell phones/computers/electricity/ for everything. I honestly don't know that I could have a garden and make it thrive enough to feed my family. I know I could start a fire, change the way we living moderately, but I don't know that I could make it without the convenience of electricity for long periods of time. I think that we as people are truly good people and would help each other get things done both physically and psychologically. But the thought of not knowing is very scary to me! The thought of retaliation scares me!
I think I am done, I feel like I have just run around in circles the last few minutes! I'm sorry. Thanks for listening!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Not sure what to call this one
As we all know I was thinking about starting a personal business with Premier Designs Jewelry, and I have done it! I am so very excited about this venture and opportunity! I will be working alongside some of the best ladies I have ever met! Good christian women, that are completely family oriented. I don't think I have ever seen as much support in a business as I have this one, now granted there are a lot of great ones out there, but for me this is the perfect one! I am just beyond thrilled with learning, making MY own money to contribute to the family, and most importantly learning from all these lovely ladies and becoming a better person both spiritually and emotionally (the way I react and present myself to others). I just want to feel useful again and help others as well as myself!
Today is a good day! I have a lot in front of me to be happy about, I have healthy kids, a loving husband, and great friends!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
And there are more tests ( there is TMI, you are forworned)
So she told me that he has something going on but he is so backed up that what is coming out is going around the clumps (I can't think of the word I want to use). So he is just so backed up that it is causing his stomach to not empty. Which I'm not sure that I buy, we have increased his meds since seeing her, and he is having more diarrhea that he had even as an infant. I'm frustrated because surely if it was just constipation since he has been taking a laxative since he was 4 months old it would have cleared out by now and he should be fine.
She is going to run some more tests for allergies to try to rule that out. She is at least doing something. She is kind and patient and answers as much of my questions as she can. Today she even went to the head of the GI clinic to make sure what her plan was, was the best way to proceed. I am very thankful that they are doing something even if it is a slow process.
So the plan is to give Tyler more enemas, probably at least two maybe more, and then quadruple his meds and MAKE him have diarrhea so that it is literally the color and consistancy of ice tea and having this for a few days. I know the next week or so is going to be a pain in the butt, but hopefully it will help him in the long run! I just feel so bad that he can't go with out pain and is starting to get uncomfortable at times.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
I really need to take a computer class
List of things I can't do
* make formulas for excel or anything other than make squares and fill it out
*apparently I can't add pictures to blogs correctly because I have added 5 more pictures to my last post and can not find them or the what I wrote under them. So I just gave up and left it the way it was.
*have no clue how to fix even minor things, I haven't completely gotten my computer set up and I was having problems with internet explorer and that stupid compatability crap, who knows what that crap is, but it was cousing my browser to have an "unexpected error" and not respond so had to completely restart!
I just feel so stupid and incompetent. Not to mention that I can't spell either.
I'm just frustrated, so what programs do you all suggest to help teach me all the things I need/want to know? any help would be greatly appreciated!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Oh today
Today first thing Cousin Amber and Cousin Lilly came to spend the day with us. I can't tell you how much this means to me! I have known Amber for about 8 years, but never really gotten to spend any time with her, thats what she gets to for moving to New Orleans! No I'm kidding, we all just have very busy lives in our own way. I see Amber maybe once or twice a year for holidays, but between going to every event that happens, and all the crazy people at the events, it is almost impossible to get anything out of the hey how are yous at functions. Amber is so precious! I just absolutely love her, she is so very sweet, family oriented, and just welcoming and warm hearted! Today I got to talk to her about her life and find ot some of her family history. I got to talk to her about all the things that I have wanted to know for years. Today she reconfirmed why I love her so much! (not to mention that it was just nice to talk to another ADULT female with no time constraints and only kids getting in the way!)
Shortly after she and Lilly arrived I had to leave for my orthopedic appt. I am so very excited! I GET TO START WEARING TENNIS SHOES AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! No not anything cute, no flats, no heals, it has to be an athletic shoe with GOOD support, for the next 4 weeks! But I have not worn a shoe on my right foot since July 15th 2010 so I will take anything I can to get out of a cast/boot/ surgical shoe! (Not to mention, that I get to buy new shoes, because mine don't have good support and there is a hole in the toe on the top.) I will still take it, new shoes and a shoe on both foot. Life could not get any better.
So today was such a good day. I really enjoyed how relaxed and enjoyable it was. Tomorrow I'm going to post the pictures of the kids fingerpainting today! I hope you all have a good weekend.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Oh Blogging
Well, first off, we have been cooped up in the house quite a bit this winter, we have had so many different snow storms with varying amount but all keeping us stuck inside, thanks to my bum foot!
Speaking of bum foot, I am healing slowly but surely. I still can't get around as quickly or smoothly as I want, but I am getting things done, no matter how slowly. I can't tell you how much I am going to enjoy it when I can really start excercising! I know I need it physically and emotionally. I know it is going to be hard and when the time actually comes I'm not going to want to, but I really look forward to getting up early in the morning and going running/walking. If for no other reason that to just get out of the house without the kids.
I am so lucky to have such great friends here already! They are so helpful in every way! I have found a preschool for Abby, a hairdressor, and found something that I want to do to make money and get out of the house on my own time. I have found a support group that I feel comfortable with and can't wait to continue to get to know these ladies!
Tuesday we may have found out what is going on with Tyler's stomach! We will see the pediatric GI specialist on Tuesday to get the final thoughts, but the radiologist that preformed his upper gi test this past Tuesday, said that the things he is eating and drinking are not moving out of his lower stomach into the upper intestines the way they should. She said there is no physical abnomality but something is irritating his stomach enough to cause it not to move, I have a feeling that he is having an allergic reaction to some food, but we will find out what the next steps and more about what I saw on Tuesday.
We also went to his pulmonologists on tuesday and everything she was looking for in the upper GI was perfect! (Upper GI was done to make sure everything was formed correctly in the throat lungs area and rule that out as a cause of the croup, other findings are just a bonus to the test since we are going back on tuesday.) She is extremely happy with how he is responding to his asthma meds and says he sounds so much better than last time. She has kept his treatment the same and won't see us back for 4 months! This was a great appt, relief in one area of concern.
I am pretty sure that I have decided to become a Premier Designs Jeweler! I have gone to several meetings and will hopefully go to a show on Monday to make my final decision. I'm kind of nervous about getting started with it, as I don't really know a lot of people. I know my mom and cousin are going to do shows for me, but I need to have atleast 6 shows in 45 days, 9 is my goal! If I could get that done, then I know that I will be successful with this journey. I know that I will like it and enjoy it once I get it in a routine, but its the learning part of it that I am scared of!
I finally got a laptop. We have been talking about getting me a laptop for years, and realized last week, that I would be completely without a computer every time Brad has to go do something for work. And since we now have skype I think he has realized that he can see the kids on his trips and it is worth it. (That was just the icing on the cake that pushed him into saying that I needed one) So I got a good computer that I am still trying to get set the way I want it! I am very excited about it though! I will have to burn everything to a cd to get all my pictures and everything off his computer and onto mine, theres too dang many to email!
Tomorrow is going to be so much fun, Cousin Amber is coming to town and will be bringing cousin Lily over to play for the day! I love having people come and spend time with us. I truly enjoy when the kids all get together, they play so well together and have so much fun! Amber is also going to keep the kids for an hour so I don't have to haul them to my orthopedic appt! This is a HUGE relief!
Now if only I could get my head together and start making sense and move forward a little more everyday instead of one step forward and then back again!
I'm hoping that you will all have a great day! Spend lots of loving time with the ones you love and (like I'm learning) laugh like crazy!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Today has tested me

Sunday, January 9, 2011
Back in the Groove of it!