Once the kids got up I fed them and while they were eating their cereal, I went to take a shower. I got the kids dressed and we were on the road to visit Brad at work and get abby's car seat, he took the van to work today not knowing that I wanted it, no biggie.
We then went to petsmart to find some food and a house for Dorothy our beta fish that Tyman got for christmas. $85 later we came out with a new bigger aquarium, plants, a castle, seashell thing, and all the things that we needed for said new tank. So now Dorothy has a place to hide and play which is a very good thing. (My kids are crazy!!!!!)

After the excursion to the pet store, we made the treck to the bank, where I withdrew some cash for groceries and gas, and recieved a message that I had overdrawn my account (which was in no way possible, I knew to the penny how much money would be in the account after the withdrawl should have been) and the money that was despensed was taken from overdraft protection. So I called the bank and she was completely confused by the message I had received as well, and told me that everything would be taken care of. I love USAA, They are always so helpful and willing to bend over backwards to help me.
I then made the treck around the corner to the grocery store, both kids in tow, my broken foot, and a full cart of groceries. I still did really well with my shopping today, the problems started when we got out the the car. Abby decided that she was going to throw a fit and I was not having any of it. So she fussed the entire time we were loading the car, whole drive home and then when we got in the house.
I started unloading the house and realized the water was running, but knew that I had not left anything on, and figured that somehow a toilet had started running. So I went threw the house and could not find anything leaking and went back in the basement to get the kids upstairs, as it was past lunch time and they were both tired. I still could not find the water, so I checked out back, sure enough the faucet had broken and water was pouring out. I could not get the water turned off, nor the emergency water valve to shut off either. Luckily the landlords repair man was not very far away and was over here in about 10 minutes. I'm not sure how long the water was running at full speed, all I knew was that it was I had two starving kids, it was 1 and I had not eaten at all and I still had to put all the groceries away. We had to turn the water off at the street, but the faucet was fixed, kids were fed and put down for a nap, and I ate 3 crackers, yet thats it.
I paid all the bills for this half of the month, and got the fish tank together before the kids got up. Although it was a productive day, it was very trying, and I don't want to redo it anytime soon. I'm ready for bed and need some liquor, preferably a nice big margarita! Brad has drill this weekend, so its going to be the worlds longest weekend for me. Atleast he gets to come at dinnertime and doesnt have to be gone the whole weekend.
I am really torn though, I really want to go back ino the guard! I miss certain parts of it. I miss playing my instrument, I miss the army part of it, I miss the social part of it, I miss being out of the house and the little bit of extra money I recieved from it. That extra money would help us out alot. Brad does not want me to go back in, I think partially for selfish reasons, that he would be held accountable again and not able to go goof off whenever he wanted too, but also for the reason that I don't do well with certain things. I don't like the stupid part of army, I don't like that its okay for some people to do absolutely nothing, while others do everything! I don't like that some people get to do what they want, while others are held to standards, and some people get away with not showing up, but when others have legitimate reasons for not being able to make it get lectured about it. I get frustrated, because Brad and I are not like the rest of he band in the way that we are the only dual military couple in our unit, meaning we are both in the same unit, our spouse is not at home taking care of the kids or what needs to be done. But overall it is worth all the frustration, I miss being in the guard, so very very much! I really don't know what to do, I'm just so confused and lost!
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