Thursday, January 27, 2011

Oh Blogging

Blogging has taken the last place seat in my life! I feel like I'm still stuck in a bit of a depressive mood, and everytime I think about starting to blog, it turns into one big bitch fest, so I end up deleting everything I have written. But lets see, what have we been upto lately?

Well, first off, we have been cooped up in the house quite a bit this winter, we have had so many different snow storms with varying amount but all keeping us stuck inside, thanks to my bum foot!

Speaking of bum foot, I am healing slowly but surely. I still can't get around as quickly or smoothly as I want, but I am getting things done, no matter how slowly. I can't tell you how much I am going to enjoy it when I can really start excercising! I know I need it physically and emotionally. I know it is going to be hard and when the time actually comes I'm not going to want to, but I really look forward to getting up early in the morning and going running/walking. If for no other reason that to just get out of the house without the kids.

I am so lucky to have such great friends here already! They are so helpful in every way! I have found a preschool for Abby, a hairdressor, and found something that I want to do to make money and get out of the house on my own time. I have found a support group that I feel comfortable with and can't wait to continue to get to know these ladies!

Tuesday we may have found out what is going on with Tyler's stomach! We will see the pediatric GI specialist on Tuesday to get the final thoughts, but the radiologist that preformed his upper gi test this past Tuesday, said that the things he is eating and drinking are not moving out of his lower stomach into the upper intestines the way they should. She said there is no physical abnomality but something is irritating his stomach enough to cause it not to move, I have a feeling that he is having an allergic reaction to some food, but we will find out what the next steps and more about what I saw on Tuesday.

We also went to his pulmonologists on tuesday and everything she was looking for in the upper GI was perfect! (Upper GI was done to make sure everything was formed correctly in the throat lungs area and rule that out as a cause of the croup, other findings are just a bonus to the test since we are going back on tuesday.) She is extremely happy with how he is responding to his asthma meds and says he sounds so much better than last time. She has kept his treatment the same and won't see us back for 4 months! This was a great appt, relief in one area of concern.

I am pretty sure that I have decided to become a Premier Designs Jeweler! I have gone to several meetings and will hopefully go to a show on Monday to make my final decision. I'm kind of nervous about getting started with it, as I don't really know a lot of people. I know my mom and cousin are going to do shows for me, but I need to have atleast 6 shows in 45 days, 9 is my goal! If I could get that done, then I know that I will be successful with this journey. I know that I will like it and enjoy it once I get it in a routine, but its the learning part of it that I am scared of!

I finally got a laptop. We have been talking about getting me a laptop for years, and realized last week, that I would be completely without a computer every time Brad has to go do something for work. And since we now have skype I think he has realized that he can see the kids on his trips and it is worth it. (That was just the icing on the cake that pushed him into saying that I needed one) So I got a good computer that I am still trying to get set the way I want it! I am very excited about it though! I will have to burn everything to a cd to get all my pictures and everything off his computer and onto mine, theres too dang many to email!

Tomorrow is going to be so much fun, Cousin Amber is coming to town and will be bringing cousin Lily over to play for the day! I love having people come and spend time with us. I truly enjoy when the kids all get together, they play so well together and have so much fun! Amber is also going to keep the kids for an hour so I don't have to haul them to my orthopedic appt! This is a HUGE relief!

Now if only I could get my head together and start making sense and move forward a little more everyday instead of one step forward and then back again!

I'm hoping that you will all have a great day! Spend lots of loving time with the ones you love and (like I'm learning) laugh like crazy!

1 comment:

  1. Don't burn it all on CDs! That will take forever! Get a really big flash drive (thumb drive)- I bet Brad can find one at work. If not you can get a 4GB or 16GB for like, $30. So much faster and you don't have to deal with all those CDs or DVDs!
