Monday, October 25, 2010

I'm getting better

Remember a couple days ago when I was talking about how people get all theis stuff with coupons and B1G1's and save just as much as the spend or more.

Today I accomplished this and I can not be more thrilled. (and I only bought things we normally eat) Today I spent $ 49.92 with tax and everything, and I saved..... drum roll please................ $45.78!!!!!!! I also have a semi packed pantry with stuff we (mostly kids) eat all the time.
On my list today was
2 boxes of Kix cereal (which my kids almost never get) $3.11
4 boxes of cheez-its $5.26
4 boxes of "premium" brownie mix $4.46
2 tubs of breyers ice cream (brads fav before bed snack) $4.99
8 640z bottles of juicy juice (we got through this like crazy $13.40
2 bottles of kens ranch dressing $3.29
2 loaves of arnold 12 grain bread $3.89
plus some other normal items for $15.07
= 53.47
-7.5 in coupons (some doubled)
=45.97 before tax!!!!!!!!

I got $38.28 in free stuff, that I would normally buy! I think I may actually be getting the hang of this. It is all about timing. If you can get the things that you use all the time, when they are on sale and stock up on them ( if they wont go bad of course) then you can save a TON of money! I can not tell you how dang excited I am about this!

29 items later, and I still have money in the bank! That newspaper subscription paid for itself in only a week.

In two weeks I have saved
$53.25 /$29.89 was coupons. this is first trip spent $200 not good:( Beginners frustration
$17.20/$9.10 was coupons. 2nd trip spent $41 getting better
$45.78/7.50 was coupons this is todays!
=116.23 thank you Publix and coupons! I will get better so that I can save more than I pay, just you watch and see!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Things I can not do with kids.

Things that I can not do with kids....

a. Cook, My sweet loving toddler likes to try to help. By opening the oven door, pulling on the stove. (with gates up and locked out of kitchen he screams bloody murder) needless to say, I don't get much cooking done by myself.
b. Shower at the new house, Tyler tries to climb on the shower door, on the toilet, on the sink by pulling on the basin and pulling himself up like a pull up bar. Opening drawers under the washer and dryer and pulling things out. jumping off the hearth of the fireplace ( I would lock the door, but this child is into EVERYTHING, he climbs on the bed and then jumps off, and to be honest I can't hear him or Abby yelling when I am on the far side of the house and the water is running, I'd rather be telling him no constantly than have him fall
and break his neck and me not know about it, atleast I can keep him from climbing on everything)
c. make any sort of rational thought
d. carry on a conversation
e. go to the grocery store and get everything on my list and/or everything I need. Between one screaming and the other pulling everything off the shelf that she THINKS she needs and my telling her no, its a hopeless cause!
f. type on or use the computer, Tyler thinks he needs to do it all for me. Making for very unreadable info. He is trying to help me now.
g. have any mommy time.
h. take a bath.
i. enjoy any meal that I really want to eat. Tyler watches out for my calorie intake by helping restrict the amount of food I eat, I can't even hide food, he is just that good.
j. talk on the phone, hi, hey, hi, hey, hi, hey, ahhhhh, oooooo, go, go, go, no, no, no, hi, hey,hi, no, no, hi, hey!
h. read a book or anything substantial.

Now I know that there is SEVERAL things that I would like to do and momentarily cant, but I would never trade it for the world! I love my life and the stage we are at! I know that my time will come and I will wish these times back, or be able to giggle at someone else who is going through this. But I love it!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

things i love

things I love....

my hubby....hims is very silly and i lubs him

the munchkins

the cackles that come from said kiddos when the really get makes my heart jump.

our new house


baking (of course this doesnt happen enough because of said kiddos)

reading nonsense i enjoy not thinking

food esp cheeses and carbs

that ive almost lost the sweet tooth ive developed

the 20lbs ive lost i almost and do mean almost fit into my skinniest jeans in the last 5 years....i mean they button and are comfy as long as im standing but when sit they cut the belly. but its going fast

i did the first exercise today since july.

my life right at this point even without local ladies to hang with

this post brought to you via my sorry in advance.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Family time

We all know that family time is important, and we try to take every minute we possibly can together.

The history of the situation, I worked at MaggieMoo's for almost 4 years. I absolutely loved my job and the people I worked for and with! Brad was working in a factory, making minimum wage with maybe 25-30 hours a week. This was a very difficult time for us. I knew that I would not be able to work after Tyler was born, we would not be able to afford child care for both children. I mean really not be able to afford it. We were just making ends meet as it was. I was picking up all the extra shifts I could and not spending a lot of quality time with family! I loved my job, and at times to this day I miss it alot, but know that I am in the place that I need to be!

I officially left MaggieMoo's about two weeks before Tyler was born, although the entire pregnancy was pretty catch me if you can at work. I was just too darn sick to function, even with meds. About the same time we got the best news that we could have gotten at that time. Brad was being picked up for Military Funeral Honors full time. Financially this was great for us, becuase with taking Abby out of day care and the insurance we would no longer have to pay, we were able to almost make up our old income, which was an awesome feeling. That we would able to make ends meet and not completely stress was a huge relief.

Obviously this was very exciting, we had returned to GREAT insurance, which was and continues to be a huge relief. There was a huge downside to this though. Brad was working 10 hour days 7 days a week, so there was not very much family time. We were all stressed because we wanted him home, the kids were missing his rough housing and aggrivation. I was missing the support that he gives and the little bit of a break he would give me. I felt like a single parent and I hated it. By the time he would actually get home he would be so tired that all he would want to do is read and relax. I just wanted some time to myself.

Since we have moved here to Nashville, everything has changed. Brad has had off a federal holiday, several weekends, and is home most nights. He is able to play with the kids much more. Not too mention how much happier he is in general. I THINK, notice I said think, that he feels like he has a purpose and gets to something that he feels good about. Not to mention he gets to practice more than he did.

We are all so much happier and we just got here. We get to do things as a family and are not too tired to just sludge through it just for the kids. Our lives are so much more fullfilled all the way around! I am so thankful for this opportunity! It has been perfect for us, no if someone would just buy our house!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

What to post

Today I have no idea what to post about! No stinking clue, whether to talk about the kids, hubby, life, what I am officially just here today!

UMMMMMMM.....hmmmmmm... I guess I will talk about my new thing I'm trying to get into, coupons and using them. Yeah I know right, we just moved to nashville, and the only thing new I have done, is starting to collect coupons? Something is wrong with this picture, I should be out meeting people, doing something fun, but no my new thing, coupons. Whatever I guess, it sort of gives me something to think about.

When we lived in Milan our options for shopping were quite limited, walmart and a sort of very ghetto grocery store. So we went to walmart, it was great we could get everything we needed in one store plus more. Which was the problem, the plus more. Now that we are living in Nashville, our shopping options have drastically increased. They have walmart store that is just groceries, its called the fresh market, great right cheap, stuff none of the extra don't needs. Life should be perfect, yeah, it kind of sucks, I'm big on customer service and anyone that really knows me can tell you that is what will make my mind about where I go, not the price or ease, the CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!! I take this VERY seriously! But anyway, walmart sucked! Absolutely horrible, yes it had almost everything we needed, but when we couldn't find anything, sorry can't help you, and not so much as a word from the girl at the register, what was she too worried about, take a guess, what is my pet peeve? Oh yes you guessed it, her dang cell phone! YOU ARE AT WORK, HELP SOMEONE! so needless to say, we are NOT going there.

Across the street from that dreaded store, a publix, a HUGE publix, with AMAZING OUTSTANDING service. Downfall, for the most part more expensive, this is taking me some getting used to. See budgeting for the old store and the new store are completely different! I spend quite a bit more money at the publix, but the service, quality, and amount of items carried is well worth it. So I have started trying to get into this whole couponing thing, which is very odd. Some people save 50-75 % each trip, which is blowing my mind, how do you get all the things you need when you have to buy 2 of something to get $.55 off, that you would normally never use two of, isn't that just wasting it, isn't it better to just buy that one item. Now I completely understand, if it has a shelf life or can be frozen, but not everything is this way! I am completely blown away by how people do this. I am at a loss for words, dumbfounded. Last time I went, I had clipped coupons, infact $53.00 worth and used them, not all the items I would usually but, but would eventually eat or the kids liked, and I still spent over $200 for two weeks of groceries! I want this knowledge, I want to be able to go to the grocery store and not spend a life savings on the things I need or want. I want my kids to eat healthier for less, which is a completely different story that I am not going into today.

I guess what I am asking is to PLEASE send all your advice and knowledge my way, I could use it! And explain all those silly codes to me as well! Thanks

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I'm just not sure.

I'm not sure where to start this one, so just bear with me!

In general I think that I am a pretty good person! I think that I put 150% into my friendships. I try to help everyone as much as I can, and be there WHENEVER I am needed. I know that just like everyone in the world, I can be a bitch, I know the things that tend to make me that way and TRY to steer away from them. I know that in the past (esp. college) I was not the person I wanted to be. I'm not going to say I regret that person, because it has made me who I am today, but I am going to say that I lost out on several opportunities and great friendships that I could have had. I'm going to say that I was very unsure of who I was, who I wanted to be, and life in general. I know that I made a fool of my self and made a LOT of people very uncomfortable, for this I can not tell you all how sorry I am. I know that I made stupid, irresponsible, and inconsiderate decisions. I will never be able to take my actions back, and I can guarantee you I will never forget how they made me and the people around me feel! That is a PROMISE!

With this being said, I have over the years taken a look at my life and been very selective with who I COMPLETELY open up to. I am always nice, polite, and generous with everyone, but I hide a lot of me to protect my heart, and the scars from my past behaviors. I am almost always a more reserved person than I would like to be, but I am just not comfortable enough to let go of my heart. I do not have the confidence that I want to have to overcome hurt and disappointment. I do not feel confident enough with who I am to show my true colors and let my guard down.

When I do, it is a very special bond that that person and I have! That person for lack of better words has "earned" my complete confidence. There are only a hand full of people that know the true me. These people are people that I would trust to raise my children, these people are people that I know I can tell ANYTHING to and have no ill feelings. Those people are people that I would give my life to help and protect them.

At this moment in time I am very confused, almost hurt. I don't know what to say, or who to talk to about my issue, but I am extremely sad. I'm not sure what I have done, or not done, I not sure what is going on, I am just completely confused and lost. I'm not sure where to go from here. I am just so glad that I am in a new city, where I can make new friends, and have new experiences.

I am not going to give up on anything, however I am not going to be reaching out like before. I will be here when needed and continue to do whatever I can to help, but only when called upon. I wish that I could be a bigger person, but I just can't get my mind to let me do it. I just can't let it go at this point, yes in time I will, but it will be a while!

Monday, October 11, 2010

We are now officially Nashvillians!

Sorry it has been a while, but the good news is that we are now officially moved into the new house, in NASHVILLE! I can't tell you how happy I am to be most importantly to have my family back together, but also to actually live in a city (oh how I have missed that, I am afterall a city girl)

But back to the week we are finishing! It has been a bear, not completely horrid, but frustrating and anxious! Last week was full of not packing, but going through everything to make sure where it was and if we needed it. Trying to get rid of things, not knowing what cords went with what, and what they did, but knowing I had a HUGE box of things that had not been used in who knows how long. What I'm trying to say is that I did everything by myself and tried to explain over the phone what things were to brad, which was a complete no go!

The real craziness started on wednesday, I had an orthopedic appt, which was not great. My foot has not changed at all! Then I had to drive the kids to Tammies, power wash the house and all outside toys, pack all the stuff I was going to bring to the house which included, everything that was liquid, food, jewelry, filing cabinet, toys, animals, and just organizing. Wednesday we also gave our cats away since we can't have pets here, which was really sad.

Then thursday came, and the stress and anxiety went throught he roof! The movers were supposed to be at our house by 9 am. Brad had a meeting in nashville at the same time, so I was going to have to do all the suppervising and relaying of information on my own. Well the movers didn't show up in Milan until 4pm! Talk about stress, then we had to just sit there while they packed all of our belongings. We were not allowed to take anything out of cabinets/drawers/closets, so it was so uncomfortable for me to just sit there and let them do it. They finished packing the ENTIRE house in 5 hours! I left to get the kids at 830 friday morning, as we HAD to be at the new house to let the cable/internet guy in or so we thought! So the kids and I got here about 1030 and the appt was between 1-3. So at 230 I called brad to see if he had heard anything from them and he called them and after an hour, they didn't have us on the books at all, so Brad scheduled another appt for the 13th, the remeber the 13th I'll come back to it.

The movers were hoping to leave the old house by noon on friday, they didn't leave until 6pm, and then it took them 3 hours to get here. So we unloaded the entire truck unitll 2 AM. Saturday was a long day! An extremly long day I mean from 6AM until 3 AM, then up again at 630. I spent all day saturday unpacking the kitchen! Since the beds were all made and put together, I figured that that was the next most important room to unpack. I love my kitchen, I mean LOVE the kitchen! It is much smaller than the other one, but has much more usuable space! Yes it is old, but I love it! While I was doing all of this work, Brad was busy trying to get the tv fixed so that the kids could watch movies, since we weren't going to be getting cable until wednesday the 13th. With the kids entertained for a while it helped us to be able to get more done. So I completely finished the kitchen, and worked on boxes in the living room and dining room. And then it was bed time.

Sunday we got a call on our way out the door to go to target from the AT&T guy, saying that he was supposed to install everything on monday the 11th, but had an opening today and wanted to come do it! Of course we were both game, but was really confused since they told us the 13th, he had it scheduled for the 11th and they came on the 10th, this after sending someone on the 7th when we had scheduled them on the 8th and not showing. Needless to say we got cable and internet, and we are thrilled, but man is at&t confusing!

So after the cable guy finally left we ate lunch and then went to target to get some kid proofing items that we needed. Let me tell you how much I love our target, it is HUGE and has anything you could ever need ok well almost. After target and dinner, the kids and Brad watched a movie, and I locked myself in our bedroom and organized it. I was starting to have a panic attack because it was so cluttered. But our room is clean and organzied, Brad has clean dresser drawers that actually have some space, and there is not one box in our floor! Thank heavens!

So now the only rooms left to get done are Abby's room, the dinning room, and the basement which I am not looking forward too. I don't understand how so much stuff fit in our other house, this one is just bigger than the other, but the basement is the full size of the house, and it is PACKED as well. I'm glad we chose this house, compared to one that didn't have an unfinished basement! I will try to take some pictures/video of the new house so you can see what it looks like tomorrow!

Oh and by the way, since we are all together, I have the computer back so you will hear from me more!