Sorry it has been a while, but the good news is that we are now officially moved into the new house, in NASHVILLE! I can't tell you how happy I am to be most importantly to have my family back together, but also to actually live in a city (oh how I have missed that, I am afterall a city girl)
But back to the week we are finishing! It has been a bear, not completely horrid, but frustrating and anxious! Last week was full of not packing, but going through everything to make sure where it was and if we needed it. Trying to get rid of things, not knowing what cords went with what, and what they did, but knowing I had a HUGE box of things that had not been used in who knows how long. What I'm trying to say is that I did everything by myself and tried to explain over the phone what things were to brad, which was a complete no go!
The real craziness started on wednesday, I had an orthopedic appt, which was not great. My foot has not changed at all! Then I had to drive the kids to Tammies, power wash the house and all outside toys, pack all the stuff I was going to bring to the house which included, everything that was liquid, food, jewelry, filing cabinet, toys, animals, and just organizing. Wednesday we also gave our cats away since we can't have pets here, which was really sad.
Then thursday came, and the stress and anxiety went throught he roof! The movers were supposed to be at our house by 9 am. Brad had a meeting in nashville at the same time, so I was going to have to do all the suppervising and relaying of information on my own. Well the movers didn't show up in Milan until 4pm! Talk about stress, then we had to just sit there while they packed all of our belongings. We were not allowed to take anything out of cabinets/drawers/closets, so it was so uncomfortable for me to just sit there and let them do it. They finished packing the ENTIRE house in 5 hours! I left to get the kids at 830 friday morning, as we HAD to be at the new house to let the cable/internet guy in or so we thought! So the kids and I got here about 1030 and the appt was between 1-3. So at 230 I called brad to see if he had heard anything from them and he called them and after an hour, they didn't have us on the books at all, so Brad scheduled another appt for the 13th, the remeber the 13th I'll come back to it.
The movers were hoping to leave the old house by noon on friday, they didn't leave until 6pm, and then it took them 3 hours to get here. So we unloaded the entire truck unitll 2 AM. Saturday was a long day! An extremly long day I mean from 6AM until 3 AM, then up again at 630. I spent all day saturday unpacking the kitchen! Since the beds were all made and put together, I figured that that was the next most important room to unpack. I love my kitchen, I mean LOVE the kitchen! It is much smaller than the other one, but has much more usuable space! Yes it is old, but I love it! While I was doing all of this work, Brad was busy trying to get the tv fixed so that the kids could watch movies, since we weren't going to be getting cable until wednesday the 13th. With the kids entertained for a while it helped us to be able to get more done. So I completely finished the kitchen, and worked on boxes in the living room and dining room. And then it was bed time.
Sunday we got a call on our way out the door to go to target from the AT&T guy, saying that he was supposed to install everything on monday the 11th, but had an opening today and wanted to come do it! Of course we were both game, but was really confused since they told us the 13th, he had it scheduled for the 11th and they came on the 10th, this after sending someone on the 7th when we had scheduled them on the 8th and not showing. Needless to say we got cable and internet, and we are thrilled, but man is at&t confusing!
So after the cable guy finally left we ate lunch and then went to target to get some kid proofing items that we needed. Let me tell you how much I love our target, it is HUGE and has anything you could ever need ok well almost. After target and dinner, the kids and Brad watched a movie, and I locked myself in our bedroom and organized it. I was starting to have a panic attack because it was so cluttered. But our room is clean and organzied, Brad has clean dresser drawers that actually have some space, and there is not one box in our floor! Thank heavens!
So now the only rooms left to get done are Abby's room, the dinning room, and the basement which I am not looking forward too. I don't understand how so much stuff fit in our other house, this one is just bigger than the other, but the basement is the full size of the house, and it is PACKED as well. I'm glad we chose this house, compared to one that didn't have an unfinished basement! I will try to take some pictures/video of the new house so you can see what it looks like tomorrow!
Oh and by the way, since we are all together, I have the computer back so you will hear from me more!