Brad had to play army this last week and he sent me a text that said I busted my head open, headed to the hospital I'm okay and will call you later and proceeded to send me these pictures!

After seeing these pictures he called me and explained to me what happened and of course the first thing Brad said was "I got in a fight with the washer!"
I said what, and he told me that he was doing laundry and one of the three machines they have was overflowing. He said I immediately tried to be the hero and fix it and didn't realize that there was a shelf nor that I hit it until someone said "dude you okay?" Then I felt my forehead and there was blood everywhere. After getting band-aids calling someone to take me to the ER, I looked at the shelf and it was MESSED UP!!!!!!
All that I could do was laugh! See, years ago, I sort of did almost the same thing, Only involving my nose! I was tying my shoe on a shelf under the counter and it broke, I fell and hit my nose on the edge o f the counter and ended up with 3 stitches right between my eyes. And to make matters worse, I worked in an icecream shop and had to wear a band aid, which was bright blue with spongebob!
I will try to find a picture in the near future and post it!
We were made for each other! `
I guess I should have said that he is fine! Had a headache for a while but is back to his normal sarcastic self! He does know that I wrote this, but laughed that he was going to kick my butt!