On Thursday, Tyman and I went to the grocery store, we had absolutely no food, we had just gotten home from a two week vacation and had a very very empty fridge. After spending all our money at the grocery store. I brought Tyman home and put him in his crib for his morning nap.
I made my trips to unload the van. On the 2nd trip I went out the front door and started down the 1 step and some how lost my footing. Some how I fell and got my right foot rapped around my left calf. As I was falling I heard my foot pop. I knew I had hurt it but I have fallen and heard it pop SEVERAL times throughout my life. When I got up I knew something was wrong, I called Brad and told him I had fallen and we both came to the conclusion that I would ice my foot and wait to see how it felt/looked after icing.
My foot never looked swollen, or bruised, so we both thought that more than likely I had just sprained it. Since it was still a little painful we decided that we would go to the walk in clinic and have it looked at just to make sure. They xrayed my foot and told me that I had indeed broken it and had done it well. They wrapped my foot and sent me on the way with the expectation that I would have an orthopedic appt the next day.
Friday morning we called the Dr's office and they were trying to get everything from my insurance and were trying to get me an appt with the ortho to decide what actions needed to be taken. After a while, they called back and told me that there was no way I could get an appt that day but I did have one first thing Monday morning. They did call in some crutches for me so that I didn't have to walk on it.
Thanks to Tammie my mother-in-law I had a boot to keep the kids off of it and was able to walk. I made it through the weekend very well. I had very little pain and was able to function quiet well.
This morning, Brad took me to the orthopedic DR where I recieved a cast. A beautiful blue cast. (i will post photos both of m foot and the cast at the end.) The Dr. was pretty sure that I would not need surgery, but wanted me off my foot for 3 weeks. They put a no weight bearing cast on my right foot, which is very difficult to function. After my 3 weeks I will go back and have another xray and they will decide what to do then. Hopefully I will not need another cast and I can be put in a boot so that I can start putting pressure on my foot and return to a semi normal life.
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