Monday, June 7, 2010

My two ladies.

I started this post on mommies day, but it never seemed right and do justice, so i've had another crack at it.

They say that men are lucky if they have one or two good friends, but mostly have acquaintances, while women are the opposite, I do not necessarily agree with this. Although this maybe true for most women, it is definitely not true for me. I am very lucky in the fact that I SEVERAL SEVERAL friends that even after not seeing or talking to each other for long periods of time can still get together and seem like no time has passed since last being together. Those friends I would do anything for and have a blast with when I actually do get to hang out with them.

But then I have these two girlfriends that are more like sisters. I trust them with mine and my families lives. These two girls are the only two people outside of my direct family that I would trust to raise my kids should something happen to myself and Brad. I know that Brad and I would take their kids without any questions asked, in a heartbeat. I know that when we are all together, we view each others kids as our own. They would not have a problem disciplining my kids or allowing me to discipline their kiddos. We understand why we do the things the way we do. There is no questioning anything. Our beliefs and the way we raise our kids are very similar. We can just sit in the same room having nothing to say and be completely comfortable.

One of these women is my age. I met her 7 years ago, not that long in the grand scheme of things. Lets face it when we met she was a newly wed and I was getting engaged. We had just joined the army and made it through basic training, but still in training. She and I stuck together pretty much from the moment we met. I'm not sure what brought us together at first. But it's almost like we are the same dang person. We have the same obsessive tendancies, we react to situations in the same way, there is no shame in talking about ANYTHING with us. We have that comfort with our relationship that I never knew existed. Now don't get me wrong, we have definitely had our disagreements, and even a period of time that we didn't get along at all. But for some strange reason it just all the sudden ended and we were back to being like nothing ever happened. Our kids are like each others kids. I love how I can look at her and just laugh and it won't stop for hours.

My next lady, is quite a bit younger than me, by 7 years. When I first met her she was working as one of "my employees" while she was in high school. I guess we "knew" each other for about a year before I really started getting to know her. I knew her work ethic, which was not like any of the other employees that worked with us. She was hard working, kind, polite, well mannered, and just all around a great employee (person). I trusted her with the store, as she had proven to me that she was someone to be trusted. Two years ago, I really started to get to know her on a non employee level, but friend. I had to work at the strawberry festival and my then two year old daughter did not have school so I needed someone to come and keep her while I was working for that short period of time. At the time I had no one that I trusted to be with Abby outside of the family. So I felt comfortable asking this person to keep Abby since I would be able to see her the entire time. (Yes, I am and was a paranoid mom, she is still the only person that watches my babies) This was the start of everything. She was screwed then, not to mentioned trapped. We took her with us to keep Abby for two weeks in Gatlinburg while Brad and I were on annual training. I knew that I would be able to get to both of them if I was needed, and for the most part it was just a couple hours at a time. That poor girl, she was so innocent, and she spent two weeks with Brad (which she didn't know at all), my 2.5 year old, and myself which she only knew as her boss, not to mention all the crazy army friends we have. But she made it out knowing a COMPLETELY different (and maybe a little too much) side of me than she expected. She obviously was not scarred too badly, because she is still around.

This young lady has done so much for our family. She watches the kids just to play with them. Last summer when Tyler was just an infant, she would come over so that I could go to the grocery store or run errands and just play with Abby. She would never let me pay her, which was a life saver as we live on one income, but made me sad, I felt like we were abusing her. But that is how she is. She took off every wednesday so that she could come over. She would cook dinner and play for hours! She is so easy to be with, although she is much more laid back and reserved(?) than my family, she is such a blessing to me.

These two ladies have definitely had an amazing impact on my life. Both of them are very christian women that I try to mirror my life after. Both ladies are godmothers (one will be in the fall, Tyman is not yet baptized) to my kids. Both are family oriented, and willing to give up everything for the kids.

I really can not put into words what I feel about these two ladies, I just want to cry when I think about how much they have done for me. I love you both very much! You are so special to us, please don't ever forget that. I love you.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

My sweet man!

Hims likes to be like hims Mommy!

Years ago, and I do mean years ago, 7 I believe, I was in this same scenario except I was 21, not 1! Last night Tyman and I were playing and he was acting like I was chasing him. When I looked up at him he got really excited and tried to turn and run and fell into the fireplace/entertainment center.
See where Mr. Potato head is, well that is the offending part. He hit the bridge (maybe a little
lower, but thats the best way to explain it) on the corner of the base. Needless to say I thought
he had broken his nose, or might even need stitches. Nope this kid is also a trooper! He cried for
maybe 15 minutes while we were trying to ice it, but when we just decided to put a band-aid on it
he was great and ready to go! Surprisingly enough he hasn't tried to pull on it or take it off, its
almost like it isn't even there! Best thing is he doesn't even look like he got in the fight!

He obviously has a little cut, and a small red bruise from the cut to the nostril/cheek area on the right side (looking at him). We are keeping a band-aid on it until it heals completely. He rubs his nose a lot with his allergies, and it keeps breaking open. With the band-aid he doesn't even touch his nose.

I am unfortunately at this time not able to find the picture with me and my nose, but will have it when I go to my grandmas, as she VERY PROUDLY displays it on her fridge. But when I was 21, I put my foot on the middle shelf to tie my shoe, when I bent down to tie said shoe, the shelf fell thus propelling my body to the counter, I too, cracked my nose on the edge, and have a scar to remember this incident by. I proudly wore a bright blue spongebob band aid across my face for several days! I promise to upload the picture as soon as I can get my hands on it!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Apparently I forgot

Apparently I forgot how to write in my blog, its only been about 2 months no big deal right? I'm going to try to get back on track with this.

Since last time I wrote so much has happened, (by the way I have about 5 posts written but not posted) we have had mothers day, my big girl "graduated" from preschool that she gets to go back to next year, June has snuck up on us, and just the craziness that is us is out of control!

I want to first say thanks for my grandma. This little sweet southern bell that she is, has had such an influence on my life. She just makes me laugh, although we don't agree on everything, she is one of my biggest supporters, I talk to her a couple times a week! Poor thing has kicked a surgeries butt! She had her battery for her pacemaker replaced about 2 weeks ago, and has come out the other side just as vibrant and ready to go as ever! It is amazing! The reason I mention her is the older I get the more like her (and of course my mother) I am! Sometimes almost scary to think about how similar I am with them. My step father and hubby are just blown away with how similar we are, it always makes me laugh whenever we are all together, the first thing I hear, is no wonder you do things the way you do, or I see where you get that from.

Tyman, oh Tyman, I just love him. It is so amazing how different my kids are. While Abby is balls to the wall, Tyman is the most cautious child I have ever seen, My mother in law tells me that Abby is exactly how Brad was, and Tyler is exactly like Dusty was. I can live with that, she raised two amazing boys! But anyway Tyler slept all the way through the night last night! This is only like the 3rd time ever! I slept so well last night that now I am over tired from getting too much sleep. Does this ever happen to you, or am I just the only crazy person in the world?
Oh Abby Kate, she is so independant, which is not always a bad thing, and we are not battling as much but somedays! She is so funny, the child loves to read and do school work! We went to the library today and she checked out 17 books, yeah I know! She just loves to work her little brain! I love it!

My poor hubby, is as usual working his bottom off! He has been working pretty much since April 8. I say that because he actually took 3 days of leave before he left for pldc. This is very hard for us, we miss him like crazy, he is super tired all the time! I can't tell you how much I appreciate him working this job though so that I am able to stay home with our babies and still live! I love you Bradley!

I am so very lucky with my life and the way it has turned out! I am so very blessed with family that I have and the life we have! Thank you all for the influences that you have added to my life!